(cabinet de curiosités)
When we look closer, those things there, are often inert. Despite this they speak to me of life, in the way of those things which figure in Vanities. Skulls hung as trophies or posed as a study object, the image of a swimmer drowning, toys which seem to take part in life but remain in a world of shadows...It is about things and other things, like a curiosity cabinet forming and unwinding with each encounter. Amongst these things, amongst others, those insects trapped by time and their predators, dead from exhaustion at the foot of the window-panes, immobile ... Beyond its moral signification which rings like a value judgement, the term Vanities opens a world of representations made of things and objects of metaphoric and allegoric dimensions. In XVII century painting, objects, textures, were offered to the eyes as a symbolic reminder of the ineluctability of death and of the necessity of thinking beyond only our material pleasure and the excitation of our senses.... Cranes, stuffed birds, smoke and fog, flies and bees, fruits and flowers, dust and mould are as so many elements extracted from this pictorial world.